Reclaiming Rest: Parent’s preparation for Daylight Saving Time ( Fall Edition )

As the leaves fall and temperatures drop, the end of Daylight Saving Time is right around the corner. While gaining an extra hour of sleep might sound like a dream come true for most parents, it can also pose a challenge when it comes to children’s sleep schedules. Fear not; we’ve got your back with some valuable tips to help your little one seamlessly transition into the fall back time change.

If you are planner… start the transition at least a few days before the clocks turn back. Shift your child’s schedule gradually by moving bedtime and nap times 15 minutes later each day. This approach eases your child into the new time.

On November 1, put your baby 15 minutes later than normal. So if your typical night routine is 7pm, put them down by 7:15.

On November 2, if your baby wakes up earlier but happy in their sleep space try your best to keep them in bed 15 minutes later and base the next nap when you get them out of the bed. So if they wake up around 7:00, try to get them by 7:15. Adjust your baby’s nap time and meals 15 minutes later too. For bed time you are putting them down by 30 minutes later so it will fall to 7:30.

On November 3, try to keep them happy for 30 more minutes later than their wake up time so around 7:30 and in bedtime put them down by 45 minutes later so it will be 7:45.

On November 4, try to keep them happy for 45 minutes later in their sleep space  (7:45) and putting them down 1 hour after their usual bedtime so it will be 8:00 in hopes that tomorrow…

November 5, they will wake up still around 7:00 (8:00 in their body clock) and they got adjusted to the new time. Voila, they still got their 12 hours of sleep!

But we all know our babies is not a robot and we can’t trick them. Now what? 

Children thrive on routine, and it’s especially important during time changes. Stick to your regular bedtime routine to create a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Ensure your child’s sleep environment is as dark as possible during bedtime and naptime. Blackout curtains can be a great investment to block out early morning light, setting the stage for restful sleep.

Be prepared for some adjustments. If your child wakes up earlier than usual, approach it with patience and offer comfort. Keep the lights dim and encourage your little one to go back to sleep, reinforcing that it’s still nighttime.

While these tips can be incredibly helpful, it’s essential to remember that every child is unique. What works for one child may not work for another. Flexibility and patience are your best friends during this transition. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me here and if you are needing a personalized support as always it is an honor to support you in your parenting journey. 

With the right approach and a bit of preparation, the end of Daylight Saving Time can be a smooth adjustment for your child’s sleep schedule. Enjoy that extra hour of sleep, and savor the beauty of the changing seasons, all while ensuring your little one gets the rest they need.

Wishing you a seamless transition and peaceful nights ahead!

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