Your Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Bedtime Routine for Your Baby

Bedtime routine is your golden ticket to goodnight sleep. A good night’s sleep is crucial for the well-being of your baby, and establishing a bedtime routine can make all the difference. It is important to understand that newborns don’t have an established circadian rhythm yet. Meaning they don’t know the difference with day and night. If you are consistent with bedtime routine you are setting up your little one for success since a routine helps them know what comes after the next thing. You can start bedtime routine as early as you can during newborn phase and also if you haven’t started it yet it’s not too late to have one. You want to start a bedtime routine 30 minutes prior to your target bedtime. Here’s a sample of bedtime routine you can adopt! Feel free to add or omit to it whatever works for your family.

  1. Start with an effective feeding. The reason we are doing it in the very beginning instead of the last thing in your routine is you want your baby to be wide awake and active during this feed. Pay attention to your little one because you don’t want them to get drowsy or else that is the first stage of their sleep already and it decreases the sleep pressure when it comes to time that you are putting them down. 
  2. Calm Bath. Not only does it cleanse your baby, but the soothing warmth also helps relax muscles and signal that it’s time for sleep. Use mild, baby-friendly products, and aim to keep bath time gentle and enjoyable.
  3. Gentle Massage. Following the bath, incorporate a gentle massage into your routine. This not only promotes relaxation but also fosters a strong bond between you and your baby. Opt for baby-safe oils and use soft, rhythmic strokes to create a sense of comfort.
  4. Cozy Pajamas. Dress your baby in comfortable sleepwear suitable for the current season. The rule of thumb is always add another one more layer to your baby to whatever you are currently wearing for bed. Use a swaddle or a sleep sack. No loosed blankets. 
  5. Read a Bedtime Story. Reading to your baby is not only a delightful bonding activity but also a great way to transition from playtime to sleep. Select age-appropriate books with soothing narratives to captivate your baby’s interest without overstimulating them.
  6. Lullabies. Music has a powerful impact on calming the mind. Maybe you can start with twinkle twinkle little stars and along the way you will be able to sing a song that you just totally made up. I am guilty of this one! 
  7. Turn on the sound machine and make sure it is around 50-60 decibels to drown out external noises.
  8. Put your baby down to their sleep space. Say your goodnight and hugs and kisses. Turn off the lights. 

Consistency is crucial in establishing a successful bedtime routine. Aim to follow the same sequence of activities each night, as this predictability helps your baby understand that sleep is approaching. Crafting the perfect bedtime routine is an art that evolves with your baby’s growth. Embrace the process, cherish these moments of connection, and be responsive to your baby’s changing sleep patterns. With a consistent and calming routine, you’re not just helping your baby sleep better; you’re also creating memories that will last a lifetime. Sweet dreams to you and your little one! Click here to unlock the key to a happier, more restful sleep for your little one.

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